1. Can I download SRT subtitles with StreamFab for Android?

No. Android version can only support Remux into File, but PC version can achieve that.

  1. What is the format for the video downloaded by StreamFab for Android?

MP4 format is supported.

  1. What's the difference between MKV format?

MKV(FFmpeg) is FFmpeg mux mkv while MKV(MKVToolNix) is MKVToolNix mux mkv. MKVToolNix downloads a slightly smaller file with a stricter file format. Both are currently not recoded, and both are repackaged and remuxed. All are official video decryption, and the downloaded video is the same as the official server video.

  1. After my Amazon Downloader reaches the download limit of 100, the downloading automatically stops. Will the downloading start automatically at 0:00 the next day?

Please go to the "Settings" panel and click "General" and then check the option of "Automatically start download at" and then set the scheduled time.

  1. Can StreamFab support this site?

Most supported sites are listed here: https://streamfab.com/supported-sites-list Generally, for sites that are not under the VIP Services section, you can play the video on a regular browser to make sure you have access to the video, then copy the video link and paste it into StreamFab's internal browser. The basic steps are as follows. 1. Go to the Home tab and enter the website you want to download. 2. After clicking on the movie or episode, it will analyze and check if it should be YouTube, M3U8, or MPD and then display the download box. 3. If the download box is not displayed, you can click on the MPD or M3U8 blue pill at the top to force a download. If it starts analyzing and pops up the download option, it means it's supported, otherwise, it means it's not supported or there's a problem.

  1. Which services can support downloading multiple audio tracks?

Now Only Amazon, Disney, Netflix, Skyshowtime and HBOMax can support to download multiple audios. Others will be supported in the future.

  1. Is the 100 download limit for all services or per service?

Each service for 100 downloads per day.

  1. How many videos can I download in a day? Are there any restrictions?

A StreamFab licensed account has a quota of 100 downloads per day from each supported streaming service, which is to avoid being blocked by streaming providers. Whenever some of it is used up, it will refill during the next time cycle.

  1. How do I change the output location from the default location to the location I want to store it?

Please go to the "Settings" panel and click "General" and then find the "Output Directory" and change to the location you want.

  1. How to change the skin theme of StreamFab?

You can choose a light skip or dark skin for the UI of StreamFab. Please click on the "T-Shirt" Skin button on the right-top corner of StreamFab to choose a theme you prefer.

  1. What system does StreamFab support?

Windows, Mac and Android versions are supported.

  1. How to check what's new for every update of StreamFab?

Please check What's New.